Monday, November 17, 2008

strike strike strike strike strike strike strike strike.....

Newsflash! students here are on strike until Wednesday (and by Wednesday, I mean, December?) That's not really a newsflash for me because we are nearing two weeks of student strikes because of difficult living conditions here at the University. Oh well, Senegal is as much a cultural exchange opportunity as it is an academic exchange program.  

sorry for the short post, i'll update tomorrow


Laura Ahlgren said...

I agree with the cultural learning experience thing! That's the hardest part, I think.

*hugs* I hope all is well!

kenzie. said...

guess what!!! I HAVE A BLOGGER FOR REAL NOW! i actually write in it! so yay i can leave legit comments!! wooooohoo!

anyway, I hope your adventures are going well. Have you found much to do besides not go to class?