Monday, March 16, 2009

Returning to Saint-Louis

Before I continue along my journey home from Southern Senegal I would like to highlight another of my shining moments during the village festival we were invited to. As we were watching the dancing I decided to stand on my chair to catch a better view of the action and random attire (such as leaves of lettuce). Unfortunately, when I decided to return to the ground I tipped over my chair into the three men in front of me taking them out and managing to land with my chair on top of me. It was a lovely graceful moment in which several got to see the spandex shorts under my skirt. Anyways, we left for home Thursday morning bright and early and made a few pit stops along the way. One of the pit stops included a visit to a man who works for the telephone company here in Senegal who generously slaughtered a ram for our arrival. The gesture was extremely nice but I haven't really been able to stomach meat since Tabaski. We also stopped at Touba on the way home so the newbies could visit the grand mosque. It was actually really cool to see the mosque again, and this time at night. Unfortunately none of us brought appropriate clothing to cover ourselves so we dressed in sheets of fabric we bought in the market the day before. As usual, the Americans looked very colorful and completely out of place!

Since arriving back in Saint-Louis I've been attempting to work on some papers (we'll see if I ever finish)...and just bumming around campus. We're theoretically transition from first semester to second semester so we'll see how it goes. Have a good week friends!


Valerina said...

You would have thunk it that going overseas would have cured your klutziness but this, I would say, is your crowning achievement to date!

Unknown said...

Does anyone read this besides that dork Valerina?

Valerina said...

Hey Slacker! You really did it that time. (Jerry made me write this)

Valerina said...

Hey Paul - at least I don't lock myself inside my garage!

Sara said...

wow guys real mature...i've obviously matured alot in Senegal and you'll be astounded when I get home

Unknown said...

I translated the thing you wrote on my blog. It was wonderful. You rock sister, never cease being you. I cannot wait until you return.